Tuesday, April 16, 2013

My OWN Progression...

I originally set my blog up as a skeptic to social networking in the classroom and infusing it into real, usable curriculum. I was looking to view social networking as a crutch and hurdle for students and school alike to deal with. I am now torn as to where my blog will continue....
Looking forward, I don't want this blog to end. This is planned to be a continued series that focuses on the future of education through social networking and the controversy that is ensuing. What I have learned is that administrators, states, and school districts are confused as to handle social networking and their jurisdiction. Day by day this is a developing topic that needs to be shared and addressed.

What to expect moving forward....

1. Case scenario's
2. News stories
3. The future of technology in education
4. Technology without teachers????
5. Technology in urban areas

1 comment:

  1. The importance of social networking sites in today's world is immense. Indeed, the above mentioned websites are best, however there is also a latest Social Networking site MyworldGo , where you can connect with others. We are also available on iOS and android.
