Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Where Are The Parents?!?!

Just as technology infused curriculum and the usage of social networking in the classroom is hotly debated amongst school administrators and teachers, it also is addressed rapidly by parents. From recent articles on my blog, I have seen polar opposite reactions by parents to schools who believe it is in their rights to discipline students for social bullying and inappropriate online activity. One half believes it is in every right of the school to act as a "policing task-force" for online activity, while the other feels that if it happens off school grounds it should stay there.

My question and concern as a future administrator and current educator is, "Where are the parents?!?! If some parents do not feel it should be in the hands of the school, then why aren't we doing a better job as parents and a community to focus on our children's online escapades?

A fellow blogger, Nicole Mirando, highlights key aspects of parental roles and promoting safe technology usage. Please take a look!


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