Monday, April 15, 2013

What To Expect When Expecting...

The post title may be a bit confusing, concerning, but also very real. This blog is running account of my  research, views, and opinions on technology infused education (particularly social networking). You may agree, disagree, hate, or love what I have to say and what others in the educational community believe. Then there is the burning question, WHY READ THIS GUYS STUFF?

I am a 21st century, motivated and inspired educator and aspiring school leader. My inspiration focuses on closing the achievement gap in low socioeconomic areas, both urban and rural. I believe that every student I come across can succeed in an ever-changing educational landscape. Although I may not know the future of education, I believe what we are doing as a nation is what George W. Bush and his administration claimed to stop, leaving children behind.

1 comment:

  1. A provocative conclusion. I'd love to learn what practices you think hold the most promise for closing the achievement gaps among students while allowing for creativity and benchmarking to levels never seen before.
