Tuesday, April 9, 2013

We Sort Of Have An Answer....

I pulled a section of the below linked article and believe this is the most detailed answer that we will get for now, really since there isn't much of a universal answer at all according to school officials. 

The article reports, "According to the Anti-Defamation League, although 44 states have bullying statutes, fewer than half offer guidance about whether schools may intervene in bullying involving “electronic communication,” which almost always occurs outside of school and most severely on weekends, when children have more free time to socialize online.

A few states say that school conduct codes must explicitly prohibit off-campus cyberbullying; others imply it; still others explicitly exclude it. Some states say that local districts should develop cyberbullying prevention programs but the states did not address the question of discipline.

Judges are flummoxed, too, as they wrestle with new questions about protections on student speech and school searches. Can a student be suspended for posting a video on YouTube that cruelly demeans another student? Can a principal search a cellphone, much like a locker or a backpack?"
I like how Mr. Lewis's blog can also fit in with this article. Take a look and let me know what you think about the whole philosophical issue plaguing our schools.

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